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Water Quality Indicators

The Highlands Ranch Water Water Quality Lab collects and analyzes weekly samples of the finished treated water leaving the Joseph Blake Water Treatment Plant. The samples are analyzed for common water quality indicators. The data represented below are quarterly averages of the analytical results.

2024 Average

1st quarter2nd quarter3rd quarter4th quarter
Total Alkalinity mg/l CaCO313310684135
Total Calcium mg/l CaCO369177137105
Total Chloride mg/l361639766
Total Residual Chlorine2.12.72.82
Total Hardness mg/l CaCO386249195139
pH Units 7.967.917.837.87
Total Dissolved Solids mg/l 262562458346
Total Sulfate mg/l4113210070
Temperature Celsius 14.316.822.818.5
Total Magnesium mg/lCaCO317735734