Financial Documents
Highlands Ranch Water has a strong financial position which aligns with its key core value of Excellence in Service. The district has a AAA plus rating by Standard and Poor's and AA+ from Fitch Ratings. The rating reflects Highlands Ranch Water's strengths, including strong financial planning and operational management.
If you have questions about Highlands Ranch Water's financial standing, or questions about any of the documents below please email
If you need an ADA accessible version of the 2025 adopted budget, please contact our Accessibility Coordinator.
Archived budgets from previous years:
Highlands Ranch Water Adopted Budget 2024Highlands Ranch Water Adopted Budget 2023Highlands Ranch Water Adopted Budget 2022Highlands Ranch Water Adopted Budget 2021Highlands Ranch Water Adopted Budget 2020Highlands Ranch Water Adopted Budget 2019Highlands Ranch Water's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) presents a 10-year capital plan for the various activities of the district. The plan summarizes the various CIP categories and identifies and defines the major capital projects that have a noteworthy impact to the financial resources and operations of Highlands Ranch Water.
The CIP also summarizes Highlands Ranch Water's currently identified capital water acquisition projects, and includes qualitative information related to Highlands Ranch Water's water supply resources as certain sources of water supply stem from water supply agreements.
Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)