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Board Of Directors

Highlands Ranch Water is governed by a board of directors, which, pursuant to state law, consists of five members. In order to be eligible for nomination to the board, prospective board members must be electors of the district as defined by state law. Directors are elected to staggered four year terms of office at successive biennial elections.

Board Meetings

Highlands Ranch Water board meetings begin at 6 p.m., and study sessions are held in the morning beginning at 7:30 a.m. Both meetings are held at the Hendrick Office Building, 62 Plaza Drive. The public is invited to attend. Those who wish to attend virtually may do so via the Zoom platform. The meeting link will be posted on each agenda.

Please Note: If you have a disability and need auxiliary aids or services, please notify us  at 303-791-0430 at least 24 hours before the meeting.

Public comment period: If you are attending via Zoom and would like to make a comment during the public comment period, you may do so through the Zoom Q&A feature. People who are commenting are required to share their name and mailing address. If you prefer not to share your address publicly, please send a private message with your name and mailing address to, then submit your full name and comment in the Q&A. Addresses shared privately will not be shared with people other than the Highlands Ranch Water staff person answering the email.

All public comments must be addressed to the board and are limited to three minutes per individual and five minutes per group spokesperson unless additional opportunity is given at the board's discretion.

View the board meeting schedule, agendas and minutes.


Each director may receive compensation of $100 per meeting, not to exceed $2,400 per year, as prescribed by statute.

Email Board

Highlands Ranch Water board members in formal attire standing against a plain background.
Highlands Ranch Water board members (pictured left to right) Frank McNulty, SJ Light, Tammy Essmeier, Terry Nolan and Frank Johns.