Garden Templates

The following garden templates have been created by Highlands Ranch Water’s Water Conservation department to support customers participating in the Turf Replacement Rebate Program. Each template incorporates hydrozoning principles, ensuring that all plants within a template share the same water and expose (sun/shade) requirements. Bloom times have been coordinated to provide year-round visual interest.
For each garden template, a fact sheet is available detailing the Latin and common names of the plants, water and exposure requirements, mature height and width, bloom time, flammability rating, notable characteristics, and maintenance guidelines. Please note: While these templates illustrate gardens at full maturity with 100% plant coverage, Highlands Ranch Water's Turf Replacement Rebate requires only 75% plant coverage at maturity within the replacement area. Customers may choose to follow the templates precisely or use them as inspiration for their own designs.
By utilizing the following garden templates, you acknowledge that they are offered "as-is." Highlands Ranch Water makes no express or implied warranties regarding the suitability of these templates for any specific location, use, or purpose. Users assume full responsibility for ensuring proper implementation in accordance with all applicable statutes, regulations, ordinances, and codes. Highlands Ranch Water, along with its directors, officers, agents, employees, and consultants, shall not be held liable for any issues arising from the use of these templates.
For question, feedback, or assistance, please contact our Water Conservation department.
If you need an ADA accessible version of the following templates, please contact our Accessibility Coordinator.
500 square-foot garden design
800 square-foot garden design
1,000 square-foot garden design
500 square-foot, low-shade garden design
500 square-foot, medium-shade garden design