Biogas Flare

If you have driven by the Marcy Gulch Wastewater Treatment Plant or happen to be a neighbor of the facility, you may have noticed a large orange flame. This is called a biogas flare and is a normal part of the wastewater treatment process.
The treatment plant is in the midst of a four-year improvement project. One of the upgrades included in this project is upgrading the biogas flare. The flame observed is a safe and environmentally friendly way to remove excess biogas.
Biogas is a bi-product of nutrient removal from wastewater. Wastewater treatment facilities harvest it as a fuel source. Centennial Water uses the reclaimed commodity to fuel other equipment at the plant. There are times not all of the gas produced can be used, so the excess is released safely into the environment in the visible flare.
The Marcy Gulch Wastewater Treatment Plant is located east of Santa Fe Drive, between Town Center Drive and E-470. To learn more about the improvement project, visit the project updates page on our website. If you have further questions, email or call 303-791-0430.